Diabetes Check up in Bangalore,

The proportion of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing in most countries. According to International Diabetes Federation Atlas 2015, approximately 415 million adults have diabetes globally; by 2040 this will rise to 642 million. In India, an estimated 69.2 million were diabetic in the year 2015, which as per the WHO assessment, stood at 63 million in the year 2013. Diabetes prevalence has grown at alarming rate in India with global health organization estimating the number to be 100 million by 2030.

Diabetes prevalence puts a large section of the Indian population at an increased risk of heart disease, kidney problems and multiple organ failure. Therefore, meticulous diabetes management is essential for reducing the occurrence and progression of diabetes complications in patients.

By utilizing mobile technology to manage and monitor a patient’s health, we have developed a comprehensive diabetes management platform that can be employed by any healthcare provider. This platform enables our healthcare partners to screen all diabetes-related complications and detect end organ damage. It also enables them to continuously monitor their patients’ health through the use of ‘Smart connected’ devices and provide real-time intervention through a support clinical services’ team of Diabetes Educators.

Our model focuses on physician-led care, duly supported by Diabetes Specialist Nurses & Educators who utilize state of the art technology to improve patient compliance and treatment outcome. We offer “smart” care with the help of Diabetologists, Diabetes Specialists Nurses and a 24×7 Diabetacare Diabetes Monitoring Team. The monitoring team evaluates real-time data and provides immediate advice, both to connected patients with diabetes and their caregivers.

In India, Diabetacare and Vodafone have partnered to bring this award winning IoT technology platform that seamlessly connects a patient to her / his healthcare network: smart connected devices monitor a patient’s blood glucose and blood pressure levels, and automatically send this data to designated clinicians(and caregivers) for real-time and round the clock care.